I only spent a year working at the ill fated "ESPN Mobile", But I made some terrific friends while there. Not the least was my good friend Katie Linendoll. We shared a fondness for collecting toys and the occasional fart joke (I would tell them and she would roll her eyes...). After the good people at Disney decided to pull the plug on its mobile sports venture, we pretty much lost touch. Then one day I spotted her in my wired magazine in an ad as one of the hosts of A&E's Emmy-nominated reality show, 'We Mean Business". It turns out in the two years time I hadn't seen her she went ahead and got herself a pretty groovy career pitching tech gear in her unique quirky manner.
Well she now has launched her long awaited blog (well, i've been waiting... :P) and its sure to bring expected kooky entertainment :D
Check it out here- Linky